
Our Services 


At ANC Cleaning Services, we work with you to create a cleaning plan that fits your unique needs. We offer a wide array of cleaning solutions and prices. No matter how big or small the job, we can create the perfect housekeeping plan for your home or office. Ready, set, sparkle!

Residential or Commercial

We offer cleaning services for your home or office. Because no two homes or offices are the same, many factors go into determining your customized price. We'll stop by and do an evaluation before giving you a quote. Pricing depends on square footage, the level of cleaning required, and the frequency at which you sign up for our services

Moving in / Move out

Repairs are useful and even necessary, but they take a lot of effort and energy. Luxury Cleaning maid service gives you the opportunity to save your efforts and energy for something else.


A service of high-quality help to maintain your home fresh and safe from bacteria, dust, and dirt. Also, we make a 15% -20% discount for those customers who order bi-weekly or weekly cleaning!

ANC Cleaning Services helps keep our customer home clean and  healthy. We make it possible using the right and proper chemicals for each tasks.

Post Renovation

Repairs are useful and even necessary, but they take a lot of effort and energy. Luxury Cleaning maid service gives you the opportunity to save your efforts and energy for something else with post renovation cleaning services plan.
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